Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What Convinced the Atheist that God Exists

DNA Evidence Convinces Atheist that God Does Exist

By Melvin Richardson

Have you ever been in an argument or a discussion and you tried to convince someone that your point of view was correct? As you struggled with the argument it was apparent that you needed some concrete evidence in order for you to make a valid point and get this person to think along the lines of what you felt was right. So you lined up all your ducks in a row and presented you case in as convincing a way as possible. Finally, when you had all of your facts straight, up to the point where the person who you were trying to convince began to at least listen. Only to have something come along that completely cast doubt on what you were talking about. And as strong as you felt your point of view was it now paled in comparison to the other point of view, based on the new evidence.

Well this exactly what happened to Dr. Anthony Flew.
There was this guy, by the name of Dr. Antony Flew, who was an atheist and he was known for arguing and debating with various individuals trying to get them to believe in his atheist point of view. Only one problem, he ended up changing his mind because of DNA evidence. After everything was said and done he gave in to the fact that there must be some supreme intelligence behind the origin of life. He likened DNA to a computer program. When you have a computer program it consists of codes or ones and zeros which is called a binary program. It's the arrangement of these ones and zeros that establish the computer program and ultimately tell the computer what to do or how to perform.

a.) According to, in the same way, DNA is made up of four chemicals, abbreviated as letters A, T, G, and C. The sequencing of these letters tells the cell how to behave. Much like the ones and zeros, these letters are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. The order in which they are arranged instructs the cell's actions. Within the tiny space in every cell in your body is a code three billion letters long!!

Dr. Flew understood that a computer program cannot just exist on it's own. It has to have a creator and therefore intelligent design is the only answer. He stated that this DNA program was the most complex he had ever seen.

This is very powerful information when you consider here is an individual that has a conviction about a certain concept or idea only to have his belief completely shattered or totally eradicated.

Share that with your unbelieving family and fellow students!!

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